Bowen Technique, Homeopathy & McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release in Ashburton, Devon

  • Woman massaging back

    Bowen Technique

    Bowen Technique involves using gentle rolling movements at specific points on the body to encourage stimulation or relaxation of the muscle fibres through the fascia. It provides a deeply relaxing experience for our bodies and minds, facilitating relief from pain and tension, and restoring ease of movement and balance within.

  • Collection of Homeopathy remedy bottles and book


    Homeopathy allows us to explore the potential root causes of our health issues in greater detail, striving to provide balance and restore health on a physical, emotional and energetic level. Homeopathic Remedies can be safely used in pregnancy, for babies and children, and alongside conventional medicine if necessary.

  • Hand treating a scar on man's leg

    Scar Tissue Release

    The gentle yet powerful moves of McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release encourage blood flow and lymphatic drainage to the scar tissue and surrounding area - improving nerve transmission to help normalise sensation and diminish pain, softening the appearance of the scar and facilitating deep relaxation.

Hello, I’m Anna

As an experienced Bowen Practitioner & Homeopath, I am passionate about assisting people who want to feel well again. I am able to provide gentle encouragement, care and compassionate support along the way as you begin to feel better, calmer, happier, more energized, in balance and much more healthy.

Bowen Technique provides a deeply relaxing experience for our bodies and minds, facilitating relief from pain and tension, and restoring greater ease of movement and balance within.

I am very interested in the role our posture plays in our health and I look closely at the balance of the body & the posture the body has adopted.

This is so important because when our bodies are out of alignment, everything inside (including our organs) is affected to some degree, and our bodies will have to use more energy to function and maintain themselves.  

It is also important to ask ourselves why our bodies have adopted a particular posture or have developed particular symptoms of dis-ease. 

Homeopathy allows us to explore the potential root causes of our health issues in greater detail and strives to provide balance and restore health on a physical, emotional and energetic level using Homeopathic Remedies.

By using Bowen or Homeopathy on their own, or, combining Bowen with carefully selected Homeopathic remedies, positive changes in body and mind can be facilitated.

I would love to have the opportunity to work with you:

  • If you have pain (back pain, sciatica, migraine, frozen shoulder, period pain)

  • If you have a chronic health issue (arthritis, fibromyalgia, ME, asthma, IBS) and want to find a more positive way to reduce or manage your symptoms

  • If you feel your hormones are out of balance (PMT, period pain, hormonal acne, menopausal symptoms)

  • If stress, anxiety, grief or feelings of low mood are having an impact on your life

  • If you want to improve your flexibility and range of motion

  • Or if you want to maintain a healthy way of being

When we feel truly healthy, our minds are calm, our energy is good, our mood is stable, we sleep more restfully, we are not hampered by those annoying aches and pains and we are able to recover relatively quickly after injury or illness.