The Bowen Technique

Creating Space – Improving Flexibility – Reducing Pain

Why Bowen?

Every single day, our bodies are adjusting and compensating to find balance in order to function well. Over time, compensation patterns and dehydration may lead to uneven tension building in our muscles and fascia. Fascia is the connective tissue surrounding every muscle and organ within, allowing them to glide freely over each other as we move our bodies.

This build up of tension will be effecting the movement and flexibility of our whole body. It may even cause us to feel pain.

The rolling Bowen moves are made very slowly and gently at specific points on the body to encourage a stimulation or relaxation of the muscle fibres through the fascia. As the fascia opens and releases, the muscle fibres respond as needed.

Space is created, flexibility improves and our posture shifts in a positive way. Our bodies are able to move more easily.

The Bowen moves also have a very calming effect on our nervous system, enabling our bodies and minds to find deep relaxation where true healing can occur.

What can I expect in a Bowen Treatment?

I will welcome you into my treatment room, making sure you are feeling comfortable before you begin to tell me your story. I will assess your posture. This helps me to see where there are areas of tension and imbalance in the body.

Bed in treatment room with plants in background

You do not need to undress for your treatment as the Bowen moves can be made through loose, light clothing, however for certain moves, I may ask if I can work directly on your skin.

When you feel ready, I will ask you to lie comfortably, face down, on a treatment couch (or sit in a comfortable chair) and take some deep breaths in and out, encouraging your body and mind to begin to relax.

The Moves

I use my fingers and thumbs to apply gentle pressure to the skin and fascia as I roll over muscles, tendons or ligaments at specific points on the body.

The Pauses

There are frequent but very important pauses made throughout the treatment, which give your body time to respond to the Bowen moves and to begin the healing process.

During these pauses, you may notice sensations such as warmth, tingling, pressure, lightness or heaviness as your muscles relax and the circulation of blood and lymph flows more freely. A release of emotions (sighing, sobbing, laughing) may also be experienced if that is what your body feels is needed.

These sensations or releases may last for a few minutes. They indicate that your body is adjusting in response to the Bowen moves and it is important that we allow them to settle before continuing with more work. Often sensations are very subtle during the session but you will notice positive changes in the hours and days after your treatment.

It is important to drink plenty of water both before and after your Bowen session to help hydrate your body so that the Bowen moves can have a more beneficial effect on your muscles and fascia.

How many sessions will I need?

The positive effects of a Bowen treatment are generally felt even after just one treatment. Everyone is different, however in my experience, most people find a small number of treatments (3 to 6 ) are enough to facilitate relaxation, relief from pain and realignment within their bodies, even when issues have been long standing. For chronic health issues, a more long term approach may be needed with extended breaks between treatments.

I will of course always encourage my clients to have “maintenance” sessions once every few months to keep them feeling great and to avoid the build-up of any tension that may throw them off balance again.

Bowen is for everyone and should especially be considered for:

  • It has been my experience that Bowen treatments are able to greatly reduce the effects of allergies on sufferers by regulating and calming the nervous system and reducing the inflammatory response.

    Easing tension in the diaphragm and other muscles of respiration will allow our chest to expand and contract and our lungs to inflate and deflate more effectively, facilitating more comfortable breathing.

  • The gentle moves of Bowen are perfect for babies and children and they often experience a positive response in mood and well being very quickly.

    Bowen can be used to help with any number of health issues experienced in our first weeks, months and years of life.

    Bowen is especially helpful for babies with colic.

    Babies who are finding it difficult to feed or settle may have had a difficult birth experience and Bowen may gently help them to recover from this trauma.

    By promoting physical and emotional balance and healing and by regulating the autonomic nervous system to allow the development of more refined reflexes, Bowen can help children to overcome bedwetting.

  • By assessing what is happening in the whole body as well as focusing on easing tension in the lower back, buttocks and back of the legs, Bowen will alleviate pressure to the sciatic nerve, and reduce pain. It is also important to address the core muscles and pelvis as these contribute greatly to the build-up of tension in the lower back as well as our overall posture.

  • By using very light Bowen moves, we can lower the sympathetic nervous system response (which is often heightened in cases of Chronic Pain & CRPS), reducing inflammation and facilitating a calmer emotional state. Pain and sensitivity will reduce, mobility will improve and the texture of the skin (that often accompanies CRPS) may normalise.

  • When we are anxious or depressed, we are often stuck in a state of ‘fight or flight’. The slow and gentle moves of the Bowen Technique tell the body that “the emergency is over”, encouraging our nervous system to calm and regulate so that we can begin to feel more balanced & grounded in mind and body.

  • By engaging with the vagus nerve we help our nervous system to balance and regulate, impacting upon how our digestive system is functioning. Gentle Bowen moves are made over the abdomen to encourage digestive flow and to release excessive tension in the abdominal muscles and organs of digestion which may be contributing to digestive issues.

  • By using very light pressure, the Bowen moves can help the nervous system to regulate, reducing inflammation and nerve sensitivity and facilitating a calmer emotional state. Sleep will usually improve, allowing the body to repair itself. With time, energy builds and mood to lifts, helping you to feel more hopeful and positive about the future.

  • The very gentle pressure of the Bowen moves seems to have a positive effect on the state of muscles, joints and fascia as well as regulating the autonomic nervous system to balance the inflammatory response which may be causing pain.

  • Bowen is a whole-body treatment that may encourage any restrictions within the soft tissue to open and release, allowing an improved flow of blood and lymph and enhancing the flexibility and hydration of the joints and surrounding tissues.

  • Bowen moves tell us that “the emergency is over”, encouraging our bodies to repair and heal, and let go of any emotional shock that may be being stored in the soft tissue after trauma.

  • By encouraging deep relaxation and release of tension around the head, neck and jaw which may be causing restrictions in blood flow contributing to the pain.

    In my experience, Bowen will reduce the severity and frequency of Migraines and Headaches and may alleviate them altogether.

  • Bowen aims to ease tension in the soft tissues of the neck and shoulder girdle and to reduce any inflammation in the shoulder joint by regulating the nervous system.

    The Temporo Mandibular Joint (TMJ) and the pelvis may also be addressed, as imbalances in either of these areas will have a direct effect on tension in the neck and shoulder.

  • The Bowen moves may encourage the bones and soft tissues of the Pelvic Girdle to embrace a more balanced position and to release tension in the soft tissues of the inner thigh and groin.

    The Temporomandibular Joint (the bony protuberance just in from your ear) will also be looked at, as an imbalance in the TMJ will be affecting the position of the pelvis.

  • Bowen may ease pain and inflammation in the joints and address any excessive tension in the calves and feet (especially the soles).

    The pelvis, the inner thigh, the back (hamstrings) and side (iliotibial band) of the leg may also be addressed as these have a direct influence on the way our knees, ankles and feet move.

  • I have used Bowen with many women during their pregnancy to help alleviate pain and tension (especially lower back, hips and groin) and to help create space within as their baby grows and moves.

    Bowen moves may help the abdominal muscles knit back together and the coccyx return to it’s rightful position after a vaginal delivery.

    Bowen also instills a deep feeling of calm and wellbeing for mum and baby.

  • Bowen aims to relieve excessive tension and create space in the soft tissue of the neck, shoulder, arm, hand and wrist where nerve impingement may be causing pain.

    To encourage the body to calm the inflammatory response and reduce any inflammation caused by repetitive movements, which in turn will improve flexibility and reduce pain.

  • Bowen aims to facilitate deep relaxation and a feeling of wellbeing in mind and body by encouraging our nervous system to calm and regulate.

  • The slow and gentle moves of the Bowen Technique tell the body that “the emergency is over”, encouraging our nervous system to calm so that we can begin to feel more balanced & grounded in mind and body, enhancing our ability to cope with stressful situations in a more effective and calm way.

  • Gentle Bowen moves facilitate deep relaxation in mind and body by encouraging our nervous system to calm and regulate so that our bodies can more effectively manage symptoms of chronic illness.

    Chronic pain may be reduced by encouraging the flow of lymph, reducing inflammation and nerve sensitivity and improving circulation to the extremities and around the body.

  • Bowen addresses any build up of tension in the neck, face, head and jaw which may be contributing to the pain and effecting the mobility and balance of the TMJ. The pelvis will also be addressed as an imbalance in this area may be influencing the TMJ.

My experience with Bowen has been nothing but positive. Anna has continued to be an incredibly supportive, expert practitioner.
— Cassie, York
I would highly recommend Anna and Bowen therapy to anyone that has issues with their body.
— Mark, Southwick
Anna is simply amazing. I feel grateful to have found such a talented and skilled practitioner.
— Sara, London
Anna is an amazing practitioner. She is calm, caring and professional and the Bowen treatments are highly beneficial and effective. I usually book myself in for a monthly “MOT” treatment. I always feel grounded, balanced and calm afterwards. I recently tested positive for Covid and was very unwell for two weeks. At the end of this Covid period, I continued to struggle with tinnitus, a sore chest, and heavy head. I booked a treatment with Anna which resulted in the best sleep and I woke up the following morning to realise that the tinnitus had gone, my head felt clear and my breathing was normal again. I would recommend Bowen Technique to anyone!
— Julie, Ashburton


Adults – up to one hour is £55

Babies and Children under 5  years – up to 30 minutes is £30

Children under 13 years – up to one hour is £40